Foreign Policy

Michael Scheuer's Non-Intervention Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952) is a former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, American blogger, author, foreign policy critic, political analyst, and former adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies. One assignment during his 22-year career was serving as Chief of the Bin […]

Michael Scheuer’s Non-Intervention

Source: Josh Begley and Jeremy Scahill for The Intercept This is a labyrinth with 12 entrances and no exit. It is built on a cache of documents provided to The Intercept by a source within the intelligence community. Operators can watch their targets for hours, often from air-conditioned rooms, until they receive the order […]

Drones: A Visual Glossary

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (F.R.E.E.), founded in the 1970s as an educational organization. The Institute continues and expands Dr. Paul’s lifetime of public advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of […]

Ron Paul Institute