
Source: Catholic Arena “In 2009, Liam Emmery planted this Celtic Cross pattern in the woods in Donegal, Ireland. Liam died in 2010, but his creation is now visible from the sky.”
Celtic Cross Crop Art
Golden Temple in Punjab India

Wiki Chichen Itza[nb 1] was a large pre-Columbian city built by the Maya people of the Terminal Classic period. The archaeological site is located in Tinúm Municipality, Yucatán State, Mexico.[1] Chichen Itza was a major focal point in the Northern Maya Lowlands from the Late Classic (c. AD 600–900) through […]
Chichen Itza Yucatan Mexico

Wiki The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the March on Washington, or The Great March on Washington,[1][2] was held in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. At the march, Martin […]